Lyrics by Shoukichi Kina,
Traditional song, arranged by Shoukichi Kina and François Breant

The rock-gate to the heavenly cave has opened,
Look, Himiko+ is dancing
Love rides on a wondrous beam
*Chorus: haradondonse samaitosanse samitosanse

Where has Uncle Susanou^ gone?
He’s turned into a white bird?
When the front and the back laughed,
Heaven cracked

A man loved a woman, a woman loved a man
When a crane fell in love with a turtle,
The third eye opened

When white mingled with black,
The color disappeared
Where have the people gone?
Right here

How much is one plus one? They equal a greater One
When you and I met, we became zero

Dondonbushi, a popular song,
Drunk people are everywhere
They’re out of their minds
The rainbow appeared

(drinking song)
+Mythological diety who enticed the sun goddess out of her cave of punishment
^From Prince Susanou: mythological fisherman

From the release Earth Spirit, Planet Earth/Toshiba EMI, 1991
©KTV Music Publishers
®KTV Music Publishers

Shoukichi Kina & Champloose: vocals
Takao Nago: sanshin
François Breant: keyboards
Ives Ndjock: guitar
Tierry Fanfant: bass
Jaco Dargent: percussion
Jean Pierre Fanfant: drums